You are here: 10. Third Party Tools > 10.3. M-Files > 10.3.3. Viewing M-Files Documents in Micronet > Debtor Documents

Viewing M-Files Documents in Micronet

Once M-Files has been configured to work with Micronet, users can view M-Files debtor and creditor documents through Micronet.

Debtor Documents

To view M-Files documents for debtors:

  1. Select a debtor from the Debtor Selection screen.

Micronet displays the Debtor Inquiry screen with the details of the debtor you selected.

  1. Select DOCUMENTS.

Micronet displays the Documents screen. If the Micronet debtor you selected has already been associated with a debtor in M-Files, this screen displays all documents that are associated with the debtor.

  1. If no documents are displayed in the Documents screen, select SETUP.

Micronet displays the M Files Setup screen for debtor documents.


Technical Tip

If you don't have a valid login to M-Files, you can select the SETUP option but then it will be greyed. You can't do anything else.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Document Type

Select the debtor in M-Files that you want to associate with the selected debtor in Micronet.


Class Type

Select Customer.


Primary Key

Select the Micronet debtor number.

  1. Select Accept.

If any M-Files documents exist for the debtor, they will now be displayed in the Documents screen.

  1. Double click on a file to open and view it.